Trailer: The Motherlode
Logline: The Motherlode explores the underbelly of the creative world where women and nonbinary artists navigate life balancing their creativity with having a family. The film is an unprecedented immersion in the microcosm of the arts that illuminates the often-overlooked invisible labor of motherhood.
Follow our social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themuthas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMuthas/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Motherlode_doc (on hiatus until that platform gets its act together…)
For related materials (1-pager, pitch deck, outline, trailer, pitch video etc)
please contact Jennida at j e n n i d a c h a s e [at] g m a i l . c o m
Current news: The project is already winning awards in its production stage!
–The Motherlode received the Filmed in NC Fund from Cucalorus Film Festival
–Feature greenlit for broadcast with PBS NC upon completion! (And we have a letter of support from them!)
– The Motherlode Installation is exhibited at Raritan Community College in the nature/nurture exhibition
here is a link to the exhibition catalog
-Won Best Trailer at the The Folkestone Film Festival, in Folkestone, UK
-Won Best Trailer at the The Pittsburg Moving Picture Festival, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
-Won Best Trailer at the Monthly Future of Film Awards in Ohrid, Macedonia
-Work-in-progress screening (for the feature) at Ramkat, Winston-Salem (February 2024), at a show for The Queen Bees.
-UNC Greensboro has awarded a $10k grant for the project.
-Invited to present/exhibit a 3-channel installation version of the project in Richmond, Virginia.
-We were awarded the SECAC Artist Fellowship this October, 2022. This fellowship comes with a cash award and an exhibition in the fall of 2023.
-We now have fiscal sponsorship through the Southern Documentary Fund.
-UNC Greensboro supported the project with a $5k research grant.
-We took home a trophy at die Seriale in Germany in June, 2022 for our pitch!
Please consider supporting this doc here: https://southerndocumentaryfund.org/the-motherlode/ and you can get a tax write-off for it 🙂