about s/n

S/N is a multi-disciplinary art group, which works extensively with, but not limited to, video, sound, animation, photography, and mobile media. The exhibitions often include performative elements and mediated footage, pushing both experimental and conceptual ideas around media.

s/n members include Jennida Chase and Hassan Pitts who crossed paths in 2007 while attending graduate school at Virginia Commonwealth University. They have been creating collaborative work since 2008, which has been exhibited and screened in over 50 countries at various festivals, galleries, and museums including Hong Kong Art Fair, Pekin Fine Arts, DAS Weekend, the Freies Museum in Berlin, and the Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Gyeonggi-do, Korea.

s/n has received many honors and grants including being named finalists for the MacArthur Grant in Documentary Film and the Sundance New Horizon Lab. They’ve been the recipients of Pathways to Partnership (P2) Grant for community engagement, the Puffin Grant, the CultureWorks Grant, Pollination Seed Grant, The William Minor Grant, The Filmed in NC Fund, and a variety of university research grants… and additionally were named researchers on the Turkish UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage and Digital Memory based at Başkent University.

s/n has been invited to do a variety of prestigious residencies worldwide including Oxbow, McColl Center for Art + Innovation, Elsewhere, Takt, and Milkwood… In 2022, s/n were the recipients of the North Carolina Arts Council ‘Arts in Education Artist Residency.’

Thematic undercurrents in S/N’s creative process began in dealing with the task of interacting with social constructs as it relates to race and gender. The resulting work demonstrates their combined effort to relate to one another in conjunction with their presumed place within society. A shared fascination with ideas of the hidden, overlooked and unconsidered histories approach themes of relational interaction with the deliberate intent to undermine and subvert negative social constructs. The goal is to uncover fresh possibilities and the belief is that activating good conversation is the precursor to positive change.

The hope is to strengthen its own capacity to collaborate with one another and ultimately to expand this practice; perhaps to include other artists as they draw upon any artistic community they encounter. Both Chase & Pitts currently teach in the Media Studies Department in the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Both are founding members in a multinational cross-discipline consortium, called the Sanarchy Collective. Both are fellows in the UNESCO/UNITWIN Chair on Cultural Heritage and Digital Memory out of Başkent University in Ankara, Tükiye.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SNCoalition

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/signal_tonoise/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/signaltonoisecoalition


s/n occasionally produces commercial work for hire. For more information, please contact us.

contact Jennida at      j e n n i d a c h a s e [at] g m a i l . c o m

contact Hassan at   h a s s a n p i t t s s t u d i o [at] g m a i l . c o m

Selected Filmography

selfie of Hassan & Jennida

s/n acknowledges and honors the original people of the Greensboro, North Carolina area—the Keyauwee and Saura as well as other Tribal Nations that know this area as their homeland.